Hey everyone, Nishant here! The latest episode of Abroad in Japan features Onagawa, Ishinomaki, and Kesennuma. In Kesennuma, creator Chris Broad visits K-port, a coffee shop owned by Ken Watanabe, and つなかん, a B&B run by local legend Ichiyo-san. He made a bit of time to talk to me as well! I think the video captures the optimism of the people living in Tohoku’s coastal communities, and the essence of what makes this region so special. #visitmiyagi #tohokutravel

Hey everyone, Nishant here! The latest episode of Abroad in Japan features Onagawa, Ishinomaki, and Kesennuma. In Kesennuma, creator Chris Broad visits K-port, a coffee shop owned by Ken Watanabe, and つなかん, a B&B run by local legend Ichiyo-san. He made a bit of time to talk to me as well! I think the video captures the optimism of the people living in Tohoku’s coastal communities, and the essence of what makes this region so special. #visitmiyagi #tohokutravel

皆さん、こんにちは!気仙沼観光コンベンション協会のニシャントです!今日公開されたAbroad in Japanに女川、石巻、気仙沼が舞台となっています!クリスがK-portとつなかんを取り上げてくれました!一代さんが相変わらず素敵でした!(*^^*) この動画は東北や三陸沿岸部の方々の生き方を世界中に発信するものになるかと思いますので、是非ご覧になってください~!(私もチョコっと登場しますよ!)




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